Cruelty-Free Mascara · EnvyDerm · EnvyDerm Mascara · Lengthening Mascara · No Clump Mascara

The Best No Clump Mascara is a Cruelty-free Mascara

Cruelty-Free Mascara

Have you every thought whether your favorite no clump mascara is cruelty-free mascara? Simply, I say, the best no clump mascara is also a cruelty-free mascara!

The other day, I was watching reruns of Castle Season 2, a series about a witty mystery writer, Richard Castle who found his muse and inspiration in the person of a smart and beautiful murder detective, Kate Beckett. Together and with the help of the whole police station, these two solve crazy murders in a fun, informative and engaging way. I was on the 23rd episode entitled “Overkill,” when the thought about animal testing and cosmetic companies hit me.

A man named Damian got killed by a gunshot and bludgeoning. Damian owns a cosmetic company that deals with male-centered products like a shaving cream that comes out hot from the can. During the onset of the investigation, it was portrayed that animal activist groups might be behind the murder as Damian’s company has been receiving various threats from animal rights groups because they are said to be conducting animal experiments.

It is no secret that a lot of lab rats think that animal testing is good science and is necessary to create the best no clump mascara and other cosmetic products. People will pay good money for high quality cosmetics. Personally, given that a no clump mascara is almost my best buddy, I would not care much about how it was produced as long as it does the deed. Watching the show made me question my lack of care as to whether my no clump mascara is a humane innovation.

First, companies that adhere to animal testing say that consumers feel more secure and safe if the products are first tested on animals. They said that all advancement not only in the cosmetic industry but also in the medical field is attributable to animal testing. This is not necessarily true. There is no concrete proof that by testing your no clump mascara into rabbits and guinea pigs will make them safer. Besides, there are other experiments that can be conducted to determine the level of safety of cosmetic products. Responsible companies have settled for less costly, more humane and ethical testing measures to produce cruelty-free mascaras and other products.

Second, some companies claim that the process in which they subject the animal is not really harmful. Animal rights activists will say otherwise. Rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals that are used to test the safety of products most of the time end up dead. Using cruelty-free mascaras and other cosmetics will save these little creatures from a sad fate.

A lot of nations had already realized the benefit of supporting only cruelty-free mascaras and other similar goods. The European Union already issued a banned on products that require animal testing. China and India are heading on the same direction.

Though in the end, Damian was killed because he wants to come clean with his product and his business associates could not risk losing their investments and career. Thus, it is imperative that we check on our cosmetic tools. We must not support products that are not cruelty-free even if it’s the best no clump mascara in town.